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Is it possible to use #Infobase items inside of a Workflow Build?

  • 8 August 2024
  • 1 reply

Is it possible to use #Infobase items inside of a Workflow Build?

I see a “Press # to insert data” notation beneath a “Content brief’ field in the Build section but when I enter a # my Infobase list doesn’t popup the way it pops up in the Chat section.

Does the notation “Press # to insert data” refer to the Infobase or does it mean something entirely different?

Hi lwdeddie - Infobase works just like you’re describing, the only difference is when you enter the “#” symbol, be sure it has a space before and after it; it can’t be inline next to another character, otherwise it won’t trigger.  This is because we don’t want the Infobase menu to trigger if “#” is being used in a URL, hashtag, or as part of Markdown structure.  I’ll share your feedback with Product, though.  Thanks for reaching out!
